Forum - Recap settimanale - Week 44-45 2020

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 Recap settimanale - Week 44-45 2020
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Tuttoslottista Legend

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Inserito il - 08/11/2020 : 11:40:25  Link diretto a questa discussione  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di Gilpavia Aggiungi Gilpavia alla lista amici  Rispondi Quotando
Con l'avvicinarsi del Natale aumentano gli annunci e le nuove uscite.

Lancia Delta Lancia Delta S4s - Costa Brava 1986 - Driver Fabrizion Tabaton

CARRERA - Digital 132 e Evolution
Porsche Kremer 935 K3 - B.Garretson, B.Rahal, K.Nierop, Dick Barbour Racing - 1980 12H Sebring

SC-6221R MB-A GT3 24H. Nurburgring 2016 # 88 Haribo R-Version Anglewinder RT3
SC-6220R MB-A GT3 24H. Nurburgring 2016 # 29 KsTools R-Version Anglewinder RT3
Plastic front and aluminum rear wheels
20,000 rpm SC-0011B long cage motor
Spherical bronze bearings and calibrated 3/32 axles
SC-1608 Advanced Screw Guide
Removable neodymium magnet
Anglew motor mount RT3 Offset -01mm SC-6528C
Front axle height adjustment.

SRT Viper GTS - White Kit R2.0 with new chassis
Kit consisting of :
SRT Viper GTS-R ready-to-paint ready-to-assemble bodywork
Fully assembled R2.0 in-flex flexible chassis.
SC-0011B 20k rpm motor
RT3 Offset motor support -1mm SC-6528C
Feed guide with screw SC-1608
Transmission 11 / 27d with crown stop.
2.38 Hardened steel axles
Plastic front wheels and aluminum rear wheels

RS0070 MARCOS LM 600 GT2 - Gulf edition #19
RS0071 MARCOS LM 600 GT2 - MARTINI RACING White edition #88
RS0072 MARCOS LM 600 GT2 - MARTINI RACING Black edition #21
RS0073 MARCOS LM 600 GT2 - MARTINI RACING Green edition #91
RS0074 MARCOS LM 600 GT2 - MARTINI RACING Yellow edition #24
RS0075 MARCOS LM 600 GT2 - MARTINI RACING Silver edition #10
Metal frame (aluminum) without magnet
Flexible adjustable frame Motor support in anglewinder position
Brass nuts to fix the support on the frame
Ball bearing (front + rear)
Motor 21,000 rpm (12 V)
Crown 33 teeth
Pinion 12 teeth
Hardened steel axles with Ø3mm Brass axle spacers (shims)
Aluminum rims (front + rear)
Rear tires High grip
Front tires low profile
Retaining magnet and replacement guide included

 Firma di Gilpavia 
Gianvico Gilberti
Wonderland - Pavia

 Regione Lombardia  ~ Prov.: Pavia  ~ Città: Pavia  ~  Messaggi: 1374  ~  Membro dal: 10/07/2016  ~  Ultima visita: Oggi


Forum Admin

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Inserito il - 08/11/2020 : 12:33:32  Link diretto a questa risposta  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di amministratore Aggiungi amministratore alla lista amici  Rispondi Quotando
Grazie Gil, sempre puntualissimo e molto seguito il tuo recap

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