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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
Gilpavia Inserito il - 21/12/2019 : 11:31:13
In questa edizione speciale, oltre ai tradizionali auguri di natale e di nuovo anno, trovate un annuncio a mio avviso interessante che apre ancora di più il mercato verso l'introduzione del metallo nelle slot in scala 132. L'articolo è volutamente in lingua originale per evitare di fornire una traduzione che in alcuni passaggi potrebbe risultare non fedele al contenuto originale.

Buon Natale e buon 2020, e appuntamento a dopo l'Epifania!

N.B.: ho inserito anche il manuale per l'assemblaggio in quanto facente parte del post originale di MRSlotcarInc che trovate cliccando sui link seguenti e che vi consiglio di memorizzare, sempre se siete interessati, in quanto la pagina Facebook è in continia evoluzione:

These chassis stainless steel for Group C Slot.i t are available in two different versions, "A" and "B", in order to suit the dimensional requirements of the range of Slot It Group C cars. These two references correspond to each of the cars of Group C
Kit “A” – Part Number SR1001 Lancia LC2-85, Porsche 956KH/962C/IMSA, Jaguar XJR9 and Mercedes C9
Kit “B” – Part Number SR1002 Nissan R89C and Toyota 88C/63C.

The Patriot chassis for Group C are currently available in the US and will be available in Europe from the beginning of 2020 at cost of 45 €.
The Patriot chassis are to mount. The kit "A" has a length of guide support "regular", while the kit "B" has a "long". Both parts are available separately so you can easily convert a kit "" A "kit" B " and vice versa. You can easily convert a Slot Car with plastic body Group C in a car equipped with a frame Stainless Steel.
In the kit are included all the parts and components necessary to assemble the frame. A handy wrench needed to secure the “ny-lock” nuts is also provided in the kit.
Included in the kit are all the required hardware and components that allow you to convert your car from the current plastic chassis to a metal one. Each of the two types of Guide Holder Supports also allows two separate mounting positions depending on the model you choose to convert. Both Kits allow you to build up to 9 different Wheelbase length cars, ranging from 82.2 mm up to 88.2 mm long.
ALL components from your Slot It car, aside from the plastic chassis, is all you need to assemble your new “Evolution” Metal Chassis Car. A handy wrench needed to secure the “ny-lock” nuts is also provided in the kit.
To begin, choose a Slot It car from the ones above. Then look at the chart below and follow the instructions regarding the Wheelbase length and the Guide Holder Position, either Forward or Back (F/B)). The chart also tells you which body post tube is to be used – both front and rear. The Body Post Tubes are color coded so it’s easy to choose the right one.
Some models require shortening the body posts, while others don’t. – Refer to the notes on “TRIMMING”

In addition to the chart, there are some specific assembly notes that pertain to each respective car, so you know ahead of time which are easier or more involved to adapt the body to the chassis.

Keep in mind that these kits were designed to cover as many different Slot It body types as possible – So a little patience might be needed with some models more so than others…But don’t be concerned as you’ll see these are just minor.

This chart will tell you the Kit Version you’ll need, the wheelbase position (WB) you’ll need to assemble in order to suit the model you’ve chosen and the Body Post Tubes required at both rear/front positions (R/F)

The Wheelbase position is determined by selecting one of the 9 positions on the Chassis (refer to pictures)
There are two rows of holes, with the Inboard Row providing 4 positions while the Outboard one allows 5.
For reference, the Inboard row has positions noted as I1, I2, I3 and I4 - with I1 being the shortest and I4 the longest.
Similarly, the Outboard row has positions noted as O1, O2, O3, O4 and O5 - O1 being the shortest and O5 the longest

KIT “A” Wheelbase Body Post (R/F) Guide
Lancia LC2 WB-O2/83.7mm RED/BLUE F
P. 956KH WB-O1/82.2mm GREEN/BLUE F
P. 962C WB-O2/83.7mm GOLD/BLUE B
P. 962IMSA WB-O2-83.7mm GOLD/BLUE B
Jag. XJR9 WB-O1/82.2mm RED/RED F
Merc. C9 WB-O2/83.7m RED/BLUE F

Nis. R89C WB-O3/85.2mm RED/BLUE F
Toy. 88C WB-O2/83.7mm RED/BLUE F
Toy. JTK63C WB-O2/83.7mm RED/BLUE F

Here are the Body Trimming Notes, as they apply to each individual body.
Keep in mind the trimming required is minor and doesn’t detract from the look of the car

Lancia LC2
1. The front body post needs to be shortened by approximately 3 mm in length to fit the Body Post Tube properly
2. The front wheel area (trailing side) need to be trimmed about 1 mm to allow the chassis to clear.
3. A part of the rear of the body is attached to the chassis so it would need to be cut from the chassis and attached to the body to close off the back end. This is an option

Porsche 956KH
1. No Body trimming required on this car

Porsche 962C
1. No Body trimming required on this car

Porsche 962IMSA
1. No Body trimming required on this car

Jaguar XJR9
1. The underside of the cockpit requires some trimming to clearance the front end of the Motor Pod

Mercedes C9
1. The area inside the Front Tire wheel well need to be trimmed to provide clearance for the chassis

Nissan R89C
1. The front body post needs to be shortened by approximately 3 mm in length to fit the Body Post Tube properly

Toyota 88C
1. The area where the side air intake vents turn in need to be trimmed to clearance the chassis
2. Minor trimming in the area of the base of the Rear wing supports

Toyota JTK63C
1. The area where the side air intake vents turn in need to be trimmed to clearance the chassis
2. Minor trimming in the area of the base of the Rear wing supports | | Crediti Snitz Forums 2000
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